Design and Execute Business Workflows

A flexible workflow management platform for designing and executing your key business processes. Assign tasks to teams or individuals and track that workflows are completed within time.

The Workflow module allows regular business processes to be designed and then executed and recorded within the system. A workflow is designed as a set of optional or required tasks, each of which can be assigned to a person or a team. The process ensures that standard business processes are correctly followed and recorded for later analysis.

Example business processes are New Starters, Leavers, New Suppliers, Recruitment and Expense Claims. Each business process can be a set of manual or automated steps. Users are notified when there are tasks assigned for them to complete. Workflows can also have target completion times which can be measured and reported on.

define business workflows

Define Business Workflows

A business workflow is defined as a template with a set of ordered required or optional tasks that can be assigned to individuals and teams together with target times for completion. A workflow definition can also include document templates and instructions to complete each task. Workflow instances can be created from these templates when executing a template.

Monitor Workflow Execution

Owners and Managers can track the progress of all executing workflows and alert on workflows that have issues or are delayed. Users can see the tasks and workflows assigned to them and can easily flag tasks as in progress or complete. All workflow executions are audited and can be reported against to identify trends or issues and generate statistics.

monitor workflow execution

generate workflow documents

Generate Workflow Documents

Document templates can be assigned to a workflow definition and documents can then be generated when executing a workflow. All documents are stored within workup and can be updated and shared.